Crochet Shawls

Red Free Knitted Triangle Shawl Pattern​

Red Free Knitted Triangle Shawl Pattern​
I have separated one room of the house for TV and games. I believe in the idea of ​​having the TV in a different room. Now let’s make a great knit shawl pattern​ that you can use in this room. The shawl will be bulky and heavy when made with slightly thick needles. The designer recommended using 4.5 mm thick needles. Read the designer’s notes to learn other details. You should use wool yarn as it will be used for warming. Complete the knitted triangle shawl pattern​ by decorating the ends. You can make different motif decorations free knit patterns​. I would like to remind you of the important detail to be considered in making a knitted shawl, do your work according to the body measurements of the person who will use it. Visit our categories to see more patterns.

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